Thursday, November 5, 2015

Not enough specifications : Software solution providers concern

“Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.”  Lily Tomlin

Software Engineering community's most evident complain: 
The client doesn't want to write the specifications"

Most common complaint from QA , development and design teams is:  .
“The client / product owner must write the detailed specifications by himself”
This complaint is based on certain assumptions; we assume that the client is expected to propose a solution to his or her own problem - the very problem that your software was supposed to address.

If the client writes the specifications he won't benefit from something called diversity. Cognitive diversity comes from groups of heterogeneous people working together. For instance, Client / Customer needs the advice of engineers that know the technical aspects of the problem that he wants to solve. Client also needs a QA to spot edge cases that no one else noticed. Else, he may come up with a solution that is much more complex than it needs to be.
Alternatively if client can propose a solution, do we really need such big engineering teams to solve the problem?
It's unfair to complain about something that we, as the development team, are supposed to help our clients with.
Agile development if implemented with honest effort, this problem may be resolved up to certain extent.
This story to continue.....
 I shall appreciate you addition or improvisation.

1 comment:

  1. Agree with you. I think requirement becomes clear to the Client when different people like Dev, QA, UX designers, Product experts and Business Analyst come in picture and provide their views on how the product should be shaped.
