Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why test automation projects seems graveyard

Why Test automation fails?
·         Unrealistic Expectations
Whenever a tool or a product fails to perform as per the expectations, it is quite obvious that we blame the tool. However, we need to check if our expectations of the tool has been correct/accurate. Here are some typical unrealistic expectations heaped on automated testing tools –
  • Now that we have invested in this tool, we will get immediate ROI.
  • We have purchased a leading pre-scripted testing tool that will do everything at the click of a button
  • With this software, we can automate the entire process.
It is very important to understand that implementing an automated testing tool is another software project and it requires lots of planning, thoughts and experimentation's to make it work across various testing environments.
You cannot run automated scripts without the knowledge of software coding, so it is extremely important to allow your team to master and perfect their coding skills before using these scripts.
·          “One size fits all” mindset
Another major reason for test automation failure is a prejudice that one condition suits all. Test automation is not a “one size fits all” operation and it should be updated to address changing parameters. Eye for detail and patience are two traits required for making testing automation work as per your expectations, and it requires continuous improvement.
·         No understanding of manual testing process
Automated testing is perceived as a magic bullet that will function even if you don’t have an understanding of manual testing. It is important to know that automatic testing is actually a continuous extension of manual testing. If you don’t how the tool will fit in the grand scheme of testing, you cannot automate the testing, believes Mike Kelly – a leading software expert with a Fortune 100 company.
·         Automated Testing is Easy and Doesn’t Requires Inputs
The key misconception about the automated testing is that it is extremely easy and doesn’t require any inputs. You cannot simply automate an existing test process, instead you have to rethink and reconsider the whole approach. Which tests should be manually tested? Which tests should be automated? This differentiation will definitely help you to seek benefits from automated testing.
      Automate tests when
§  Business critical paths – the features or user flows that if they fail, cause a considerable damage to the business.
§  Tests that need to be run against every build/release of the application, such as smoke test, sanity test and regression test.
§  Tests that need to run against multiple configurations — different OS & Browser combinations.
§  Tests that execute the same workflow but use different data for its inputs for each test run e.g. data-driven.
§  Tests that involve inputting large volumes of data, such as filling up very long forms.
§  Tests that can be used for performance testing, like stress and load tests.
§  Tests that take a long time to perform and may need to be run during breaks or overnight.
§  Tests during which images must be captured to prove that the application behaved as expected, or to check that a multitude of web pages looks the same on multiple browsers.
More repetitive the test run, the better it is for automation.
Not to automate tests when
§  Tests that you will only run only once. The only exception to this rule is that if you want to execute a test with a very large set of data, even if it’s only once, then it makes sense to automate it.
§  User experience tests for usability (tests that require a user to respond as to how easy the app is to use).
§  Tests that need to be run ASAP. Usually, a new feature which is developed requires a quick feedback so testing it manually at first
§  Tests that require ad hoc/random testing based on domain knowledge/expertise – Exploratory Testing.
§  Intermittent tests. Tests without predictable results cause more noise that value. To get the best value out of automation the tests must produce predictable and reliable results in order to produce pass and fail conditions.
§  Tests that require visual confirmation, however, we can capture page images during automated testing and then have a manual check of the images.
§  Test that cannot be 100% automated should not be automated at all, unless doing so will save a considerable amount of time.


  1. A really good article, businesses often fail to perform their ground work before trying to bring in an automation implementation. Since no expectations are correctly set on what to expect out of the automation implementation, it often leads to a disappointment when these projects face the reality of the actual outcomes of their automation.

  2. Nice article. Automation testing is not a replacement of manual testing. It should be used to limit manual testing to save time and cost. Most of the time business hires good automation tester/coder and expect them to automate everything without giving proper time to understand the manual testing process. A good automation tester/coder must understand the existing manual testing process/steps to deliver the best quality.

  3. Well said Satyakam. Another reason why automation projects fail is because automation strategy is not well though off. Manier times team do it for the sake of achieving a set automation % goal for the product/project.
    Once automation is well though out plan in conjunction with product end to end usage then it can give desired result. Whenever a team thinks automation they think it in terms of automation tools instead it should be thought as a automating complete business flow for product.

  4. A very thoughful article !
    Projects, can not be 100% automated unless those are settled with all the inputs and outputs. Also, its not practically possible to automate any application or project fully. No doubt it needs to go through Manual Test Phases initially before some portion of it becomes stable, to be automated.
